Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mid West

 Just back from a week in the mid west, what a great stretch of coast! Only managed a few surfs between family outings but the ones I had were fun. This is one wave from the morning that Lise came along with the kids.

I surfed this the week before on a W swell and it was completely different, long soft rights that broke along the beach almost like a point. The morning above it was a S-SW swell and it was altogether another beast, 2-4ft but thick and wedgy with heaps of grunt. The big ones were really hard to get into and even harder to get out of.
I got clipped in the head trying to sneak out the doggie door on a bigger one and just got drilled face first into the bank, then up and over the falls for a return visit. Best drubbing I've had on a beachie in a long time. It actually reminded me a bit of Boodji on this morning, almost a closeout but not quite.

The next morning was small enough for a swell magnet down the road a bit. The Jurien buoy was out of action but Rotto was showing 1.07 and the wave I surfed was a proper 3-4ft with the odd bigger one. Really long hollow lefts that linked up with backdoor sections, the rights were shorter but just going square.

Would be worth a look for a weekend trip for the club I reckon, there's some really good waves over a 50-70k stretch of coast ranging from beachies, to point like reefs, to slabs with lots of options for accomodation. The joint above is smack bang in the middle of it all, so would make a pretty good base, long weekend in March maybe??

Sunday, January 27, 2013


The long lost icon for Walanyi Kneeboard Riders Club WA has been found thanks to Mal.

This club was the foundation of getting kneeboarders in WA to meet and become a strong voice in WASRA (West Australian Surfriders Association) during the 70's and 80's.

It was the pinacle of Kneeboarding in WA

I believe Blair and a few others formed the club but would love to hear from others how it came about and who the initiators were involved.

My first contact was when they were having a comp at The Spot in about 1977. Paul Raper was a stand out at that comp on his greenish coloured fish tail. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone make a wave right across the reef to the sand pit.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Big Pete McClure

Absolute Skitail power . Big Pete ruling the huge power carve .
photo courtesy

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


IF you are chasing some fins...something a bit different or just a custom set then Ben Chipper may be able to help you......he has plenty in stock
$ 25 per fin  .... depending on the size , of course [as , keels for example , use a LOT more fibreglass , and resin , and are a LOT more work .... especially fcs tabbed ones !! ...]
let me know if you are interested...cheers Bean

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lano's 19 January 2013

Bean today at Lano's before the battery died on the Gopro.
Only small but better than staying at home painting or earning brownie points.

Get Repaired

Just got back an "Albert" my brother in law Ian Davis has lovingly restored and can't wait to compare how she went 25 years ago . Right down to a new set of original template fins as well .
And if its a hollow wood or epoxy mal your after  , true works of art worthy of the games room wall , give him a yell , and he hates a yak !

Monday, January 14, 2013

kneelo's scarborough beach

just the usual small summer waves in Perth with the odd swell every week or so are some pics from scarborough beach.....not many takers early with plenty of sharks being spotted (daily)