Saturday, November 20, 2010


as the weather warms up and the crowds swarm down to the beach, getting a wave to yourself is
becoming increasingly more difficult, i have resorted to 4.30am starts and mid week trips.....
here are some pics of surfing without a crowd. have fun guessing where each pic was taken...
but included is a pretty big morning at the farm where i got to surf all alone plus some of lano


  1. bean, you are the true dawn patrol man! you did you surf the farm like me last friday?
    I want to move down south, life is too short for perth summer slop.
    I've got a project started in Bunbury, site meetings every 2 weeks, on a Friday would you believe! a very accommodating client. I'll be trying to say the weekend at margies for a wave, hope to see some of the crew down there.


  2. the pic of the farm (4th pic dn) was from a
    couple of years ago, the morning after a big storm, it was big enough for the swell lines
    to be lining up across the bay...felt very sharkey sitting a long way out with no one around, went back after lunch and there were
    18-20 people out. 1ft trigg pt this morning again, i was the first one in (and the first one out).
