Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hawaii 3


  1. so how big was pipe and did you get a tube ?

  2. Jeez mate what a time to be in Hawaii , with the sad demise of one of their favourites there must be many obvious commemorative signs all over the North Shore then to paddle out at the very place A.I. made his own . Embrace it and soak it all up Willsy , a unique time in surfing history......then pull in and toast a few after for the boys

  3. If that shortcut didn't work try this one.

    It was only 4 foot on the sets but big enough to get a feel for the place and check out what lays under the water. I did get a small barrell and almost broke my neck doing a reo on the shorebreak.

  4. Check out this utube of Andy Irons paddle out. So moving.

  5. Awesome Willzy, looks like your having a ball. 4ft on the sets looks like a big 4ft! ayour getting plenty of water time under your belt for the assault on the world title! good on ya.
    I got some nice waves last weekend, surfed the farm on a 4m swell on Friday and got boranup on Saturday, nothin on the North Shore though.
    catch ya when you get back
