Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trip June 27

here are some pics from the latest trip , after an early cold start we were greeted by a few waves and nice conditions....we gave the comp a miss and just went surfing followed by hot coffee and tomato soup, i must be getting old

Monday, June 21, 2010

World Title Qualification Requirements


I have received confirmation of the qualification requirements for the World Titles in Philip Island next year. In short any member of the Indiana Kneeriders Association are eligible to compete as long as we comply with the following :

- Financial member of the Indiana Kneeriders Association
- Member of Surfing Australia (Western Austrlia or any other state if you have membership)

- Compete in one of the approved KSA qualifying comps (which will be outside WA)
- Member of Surfing Australia

I'll check out the requirements for individual membership of Surfing WA and get back to you.

With the titles in mind we better get stuck into our comp schedule to get used to the feel of a singlet!



Indianna Competition - Sunday 27 June 2010


Just a reminder that the next scheduled meet is this coming Sunday and it is going to be a competition format. Looking at the long range forecast I reckon we will most likely hold the comp at Lancelin or Bombing range. I'll keep checing and make the call later in the week, but its looking NE for Sunday, so lets hope for perfectly groomed bombies!

Assuming all goes to plan, we'll meet at the Lano servo 7am sharp and go in convoy from there.

I'll send out an e mail to the list, please confirm if you intend to come along as we'll need to sort out 4x4 to get up there. The beach will be suss, but the back track should be accessible for most AWD cars.

Looking forward to it already.



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Snapped Board

Hi Guys,
Glad I meet Gray in the water last week and him telling me about the blog.
Was surfing yesterday and snapped my board could anyone let me know if they have had a board made in Perth. I have emailed Neil Luke on the east coast to get some prices on his board, but if I could get one made here would be great. The board I just broke was a Parks made board but I found that one to have been really weak and creak and ding easily
Any help would be great.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Denmark Trip 9 July - 12 July 2010

Adrian has booked accommodation in Denmark from 9 July to 12 July 2010. Cost will be about $50 per night depending on how many turn up. Can you let me know who thinks they may be attending so we can get a rough idea on numbers.


Monday, June 7, 2010

5th June

It was awesome to meet you blokes on Saturday and I appreciate the lift up the beach - sadly the old Kombi wouldn't clear the dunes so it's handy having some 4wds available!

Other than being majorly hung over I stayed conscious long enough to grab some photos of the lads. It was a good clean break and I couldn't believe how many peaks were cranking up and down the beach there.

I'm considering buying some sort of cheap offroader so I can make the trek mid week on the odd occassion to get some much needed practice in. In the meantime I'll just have to sponge rides off you blokes.

Anyway here's a couple of photos, I've uploaded a whole heap to but this will keep the media whores happy ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


new issue out, interesting article on HARDWARE KNEEBOARDS
click on "KNEELO MAGAZINE" above (note: its about 8 meg)