Sunday, October 20, 2013


And from there it was back to the fatherland to pay his respects and forfill some further royal obligations . Having trashed his quiver in the Dives ,  although a valid one ,  Alex never needs a reason to stock up on new boards . Much better option dragging these Bro Diploc steads home than a bag full of cheap grog and ciggies .



A.Noy @ The Dives

International globetrotter and eternal royalist Alex Noy has been showing up all over the shop this year . From Leighton to J-Bay and more recently the Maldives , the unmistakable silhouette and his swiss watch timing has found him , more than once , in the right place ...............deep . Here is the sheik of deep giving Sultans a right royal touch up.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Jason - sequence

take off - pull in - Jason.....Scarborough Beach - early Sunday morning

Friday, October 11, 2013

Headless Hardware

Fresh from the House of Hardware


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Brother's Grim #3

Mike and Deano's 3rd trip to The Dives apparently not up to scratch with the previous but sure looked like more fun than I've had . Mike burning off some carbs at Pasta Point .