Tuesday, June 4, 2013


from KSA on facebook last night....

Gday all

here's a wrap up off the AGM held last Saturday..


1ST JUNE 2013

Meeting time: 10.00am – 2.00pm

Present: Jim Brown, Mark Jeffrey, Russell Smith, Craig Tinsley (NOVO rep), Ken Stapleton (KSI Rep), Mark McLeod (Surfers Rep), Mark Ashby, Mike Novakov, Teresa Novakov, Dave Stevenson (WAKA), Mick Devall (WAKA) Wayne Jennings (WAKA), Mark Windon (SNSW)


• The committee wants to recognise the effort and to thank John Clingan for the contribution he has made over the last 10yrs in keeping the KSA up and running. Also to Mel Horadan for his effort over the years.

• It was agreed that to become a member of KSA you only need to compete in any of the sanctioned KSA contests. A Sanction fee from KSA will be invoiced to the contest organisers of $5 per competitor, to go to KSA. This will create income for KSA

• The current competition format of open’s/A/B is to be continued.

• Internet banking – 3 X people will be involved

o 2 executive committee members must be emailed for confirmation on all transactions made by the treasurer.

• Wayne Jennings to give official response to Rudy Lausz letter regarding judging at contests. Although judges at the Kiama contest were not actually kneeboarders all judges are fully qualified and able to judge all surfing styles.

• Albert Munoz tabled email –

o Website issues ( Teresa Novakov to create new site and oversee )

o Point scores ( Mark Jeffrey to collate and post on website)

o Mark McLeod to speak to Albert with official reply

• Mark McLeod with surfers feed back:

o Competitors feedback was that the comps are really good

o Contest dates clashed with mothers day (this will be addressed for next year)

o Website issues ( as above Teresa is addressing this )

o Keep circuit strong

o Mark thanked John Clingan for his work as President over the last 10yrs

• As we will be working with children at some contests a police check for working with children may be required by committee members. Ken to get forms to fill in for committee. Phil to chase up online version of this.

• Suggestion made to put on Retro event or one off theme comp. (This will be looked at for future)

• Junior development to be addressed over the next 6 months for next year.

• Point score rating for each contest was questioned due to low numbers for Kiama. Kiama will stay a 5 star contest.

• Point score’s for next year will be reviewed to suit circuit.

• It was agreed that we needed some sort of data base of members as well as a general list of kneeboarders. This was so that we could keep everybody informed and up to date whether you are a competitor or not, but also to help with marketing and attracting sponsors. Club rep’s to send membership base to Mick Devall. Reps to check with respective member base for names.

• Constitution to be reviewed to better cover the current running of the KSA and the circuit.



• SNSW CEO Mark Windon joined meeting for the following discussions

• SNSW have a full page spread in their magazine for KSA to utilise

• General discussions around types of promotion and how better do we do this; Radio/tv/rashy logos/facebook/twitter

• Kneeboarders were to be involved in the Surfing Australian Amateur titles but due to lack of numbers required and cost of entry it was decided to remove our division until further investigations done into the merits of our inclusion

• 3rd comp was discussed, was agreed that 12-13 October or 2-3 November 2013. (Mark Windon from SNSW to investigate dates)

• Prize money will need to be reviewed due to financial costs associated. To be professional it costs $6000 per weekend comp. ( costing/prize money is currently being reviewed between SNSW and KSA )

• A suggestion was made to make the circuit winner become more of an incentive by having more prize money at the end but less money for the individual comps. The committee will be reviewing all aspects of the KSA to help keep the circuit strong

• A raffle is currently in place for Jim Beam tag team event in 2014. The first prize is a Rav 4. Mark Windon has explained that all money collected from raffle tickets goes to the surf club. It was suggested that as an income source for KSA and the kneeboard clubs that the proceeds are split between KSA and clubs ( this will be confirmed in the coming months)

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