Monday, March 5, 2012

The Capes

Few pics from the weekend, was FUN!


  1. great pics Micko.....that line up in the middle with 3 waves looks awesome...cant tell where it is but looks great

  2. Gallows Bombie.
    The last six pics was the wave we surfed, was a ledgey left breaking towards Big Rock, hadn't surfed it before, was really good. Really sucky barrelling takeoff before winding down the line. That's Andy Stocks in the pics ex kneelo and old Scabs boy, some of you may know him.

  3. Andy never mentioned he was an ex kneelo, he must be ashamed of his past lol


  4. I thought it might be gallows....did you go out, pretty big looking, maybe too big

  5. Nah, we did the full on 2 1/2 hour surf check from Yalls to Lefties and everywhere was either sketchy like the pics of Mufflers above or that chockas with angry drop-in wankers that we couldn't be arsed. Last stop was Big Rock and that left ledge that neither of us had surfed before.
